Coaching Becoming Mainstream


I was reading an article today, Sneaky ‘daylighters’ risk firing by working extra jobs. I realized as I was reading it that two of the experts that they cite in the article are coaches. One is a business coach and the other one is a business communication coach.

I love how coaches are now quoted in many different publications, giving their opinions on anything from job search to running a business to weight loss.

And the best part about it is that introduces people, who have never heard of coaching or who have only heard about it once a twice before, to the coaching field. I am sure that after reading the article quite a few people went to a search engine to find out what coaching is all about.

And this is another reason to work hard and get better placement in search engines for your business web site. As coaching is becoming mainstream, more and more people are going to be using search engines to find out more about coaching.

There are many search terms that you can optimize your web site for. In addition to using obvious terms, such as life coaching, life coach, business coaches, career coaches, find keywords that your potential clients use to look for services like yours. Then use the keywords to optimize your web site for search engines.

Biana Babinsky

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