Writing For Coaches


Are you a coach? Are you writing articles, ebooks and reports?
Writing is an extremely powerful technique for a coach to use. We can write articles, create information products and promote ourselves in other ways using writing.

Here is an effective process I recommend to create your own articles:

Keep a running list of article topics. You may think of an article topics at all times – at the grocery store, while speaking to a client, when exercising, watching TV, etc. These are not good times to write the actual article, but you should write down the topic.

When you are ready to write an article, you already have a list of topics. Having the list saves you a lot of time that you can spend on the actual writing. Just pick a topic and start writing!

Remove the distractions when you write – don’t check your e-mail, let the phone calls go to voicemail, etc. Spend the time writing, and you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish in 40-50 minutes or uninterrupted writing.

Learn how to write articles and make money with them – get the Article Marketing for Profits Audio Recording.

Biana Babinsky

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