New Year - New Web Site

Have you seen the ads that offer to create a "new you" for they new year? They usually help you lose weight, get in shape, stop smoking, etc. All of these are generally noble goals. In the spirit of the season, offers a new twist on New Year's resolutions: "New Year - New Web Site."

All throughout the year this newsletter has featured articles about the importance of fresh content. People come back to web sites that have new content on a regular basis. This is exactly why blogs are so popular - there is always something new to read. Search engines also like new content and index it on a regular basis. This translates into additional search engine listings for your web site.

Here are five ideas for generating fresh content on your site:

Update the front page of your web site

You have many options: feature your latest product, point your visitors to your latest blog post or article, or try out an entirely new introduction for your web site.

Add recommendations for new resources

Many of us recommend products, services and resources to clients and web site visitors. Now is a great time to make sure that your list is up-to-date. If you just finished reading a new book or e-book, participated in an interesting teleseminar or group call, take the time to add these new resources to your Recommended Products section.

Update your teleseminar page

Many teleseminar leaders forget to remove old information once the seminar is over. Remember to maintain your teleseminar listings page. Better yet, remove the teleseminar date and use archival listings to sell audio recordings of the seminars that you have held this year.

Add an article to your web site

Every year I gather tons of materials on my hard drive. These items include client questions, networking questions, questions that come up during seminars, etc. Much of this can be turned into an article almost immediately.

Find items on your hard drive you haven't used yet, re-purpose it into a new article, and use it on your web site.

Add testimonials

Have you been collecting testimonials during the year? Add them to your web site. Testimonials from happy clients are often the final element that clinches the deal and convinces someone to buy from you.

Keep your web site up to date, and keep your web site visitors interested in what you have to offer - make some changes today!

More Web Site Design Articles

- Three Steps to Having a Professional Web Site for Your Business

- Is Your Coaching Web Site a Cash Cow or a Money Drain?

- Web Site Analytics: How to Use Your Web Site Statistics