How To Sell Consistently Online


Many of my clients who report struggling in their business tell me that this happens because of inconsistent sales. They get a new client once in a while, they sell an e-book or two every month, but few other sales happen in their business.

Because they have such inconsistent sales, they can't estimate their monthly profits in advance, and can't invest in their business. This means that they can't earmark money for marketing or advertising projects, since they have an unpredictable revenue stream.

Having inconsistent sales also means that they can't schedule events and teleclasses. Since few people buy their products, they will not be able to fill up their teleclasses or other events.

Inconsistent sales also cause a lot of stress for business owners. Not knowing whether you will have sales next week or next month creates a high-stress and high-pressure environment for business owners.

As you can see, it is much easier to run your business if your business can bring in consistent sales. With consistent sales you make more money, you have enough clients and you are able to plan ahead for your business.

So how do you turn slow, inconsistent sales into consistent sales that take your business to a whole new level? I found two main causes of inconsistent. Here's how to correct them:

Reason #1 for inconsistent sales: not having enough business prospects. In order to have your business generates sales on a consistent basis, you need to create a stream of prospects constantly coming to your business. Since not every prospect is going to buy from you, you need to have many prospects coming to your web site every single day. Some of these prospects will turn into buyers, while others won't. Creating a large daily stream of prospects coming to your web site ensures that you have consistent sales.

There are many ways to attract prospects to your web site, but one of the best ones is by publishing a useful and interesting newsletter on a regular basis. When you publish a good newsletter you are able to keep in touch with your potential customers and prospects on a regular basis. They might not need your products and services today, tomorrow or a month from now. They may need your products and services a year from now, though. As they receive your newsletters on a regular basis, they learn more about who you are and how you can help them. So when the time comes for them to make a purchase, they don't have to think about it, they know they are going to buy from you.

Start, or if you have already started, continue publishing a useful and interesting newsletter on a regular basis. It will help you bring more people to your business web site.

Reason #2 for inconsistent sales: prospects do not turn into customers. There are business owners who have a web site that is visited on a regular basis by many people, but they still don't get consistent sales. If your web site gets a lot of visitors, but you don't get enough sales, you should look into your web copy. Your web copy is what makes a difference between a prospect buying your product or a prospect not buying from you and moving on to the next web site instead.

Review your web copy and re-write the weak copy into copy that sells. Doing this will help you turn many of your web site visitors into customers.

Strive for consistent sales in the new year! Consistent sales mean more clients, more profits and a stress-free life for you as a business owner.

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