Diversifying your Online Income


If you are reading this article, you are probably already earning money online, or are interested in learning how to start earning money online. Many business owners have one web site that brings in revenue, usually through sales of products or services that the business owner provides.

The online business arena is known for frequent and drastic overnight changes. A web site that is a darling of major search engines one day, getting thousands of targeted hits, can see its search engine traffic reduced by half (or worse) overnight. A successful Pay-Per Click-Search Engine campaign can turn bad and stop sending quality traffic to your web site in what seems like an instant. Your link exchange partners can remove links to your web site, and (indirectly) affect your web site's search engine positioning.

There are many things that can go wrong, and while you can (and should) correct the problem and regain at least some of the traffic, what can you do in the meantime? How can you earn profits while you are working on restoring your search engine rankings and making changes to your pay-per-click campaigns? How can you cope with these changes, and make sure that they don't have a similarly drastic effect on your overall online profit? Diversification of your online properties and income is your answer.

What is diversification? Instead of having a single web site selling products and services, imagine having two web sites, selling different products and services. The web sites should have different copy and sell different products, since search engines may penalize web sites that have identical content. Even if search engine rankings of one of your web sites decline in any given month, chances are that the other web site(s) will maintain their position, and can still earn you money.

Let's take this concept a step further. Instead of two, imagine having ten different web sites, all selling different products and services. Not all products have to be products that you produced yourself - there are many affiliate programs out there, offering generous commissions on everything from food containers to ebooks to workout videos. Again, with ten web sites you are increasing your overall online profits, and at the same time protecting your business against the vagaries of search engine algorithms. While it is possible that several of your properties might get poor rankings for a few months and not sell as much, it is highly unlikely that all web sites will get bad rankings at the same time.

By diversifying products and services that you sell, as well as the web sites from which you sell them, you will increase your profitability, and will be better able to cope with changes in online marketing landscape.

Learn More About Creating Information Products

- How To Teach Profitable Teleseminars

- From Services to Products

- How To Sell More of Your Books And Ebooks