Life Coaches, Are You Afraid Of Making Money?


There was a life coach, let's call her Ann, who charged $20 for a life coaching session. She used to do coaching for free for a long time, and started charging $20/session recently. She was considering going back to offering free coaching, because she thought that "charging money for coaching makes her uncomfortable." She didn't feel that it was right to charge people for helping them.

Many life coaches are afraid to charge what they are really worth, because they don't think they should charge people for helping them. As a result, they severely underprice their coaching services. They think that by keeping their rates low they could help more people and make coaching affordable. Unfortunately, that was not the only thing they were doing.

Here is how not charging what you are worth is holding you back:

You Will Not Work With Your Ideal Clients

Coaches want to work with our ideal clients - those who pay on time, respect our expertise, are always on time for their appointments, rarely re-schedule and do their homework.

Many life coaches think that if they keep their rates low, their ideal clients will come running in. Unfortunately, exactly the opposite is true. The lower your rates are, the fewer ideal clients you will be able to attract.

In fact, the reason Ann started charging $20 per session is because the people who signed up for her free coaching offer weren't keeping their appointments, made her wait by the phone and never did their homework. She told me that the same was true with the $20/session clients - it's like they weren't invested in their coaching relationship.

Your ideal clients will show up when you increase your rates. When your clients are invested in your coaching relationship, they are on time, they value your expertise, they do their homework, and they put a lot of effort into coaching - they want to see RESULTS. Start marketing your coaching business to your ideal clients.

Want to learn how to market your coaching business to your ideal clients? Read this FREE How To Market Your Coaching Business Tutorial.

Learn More About Promoting Your Coaching Business

- Strategies For Promoting Your Coaching Business

- How To Find The Target Market For Your Coaching Business

- How To Market Your Coaching Website