How To Get More Service Clients In The Fall


Time sure moves quickly. It seems like the summer has started just yesterday, I remember noticing the weather getting warmer in May. Now it is end of August and fall is about to start. While working with my clients, I have noticed that many of them don't do much business in the summer. They tell me that since their clients take long vacations, they take vacations too.

However, three months with almost no revenue is hard on a business owner. Many professionals start scrambling to get new clients as soon as fall starts. The problem is that if you start applying long term online marketing strategies to your business now, they will not go into effect immediately. You will have to wait at least a few months before you see results and bring in new clients.

But what if you need to get your customers to start hiring you and buying your products immediately? How can you bring more of them into your business now, as the fall is starting?

If you want to start earning more money now without waiting for more long term strategies to kick in, I have created a process that will help you get more sales from your existing web site visitors. These strategies will start taking effect much faster, so you will not have to wait for them to kick in.

Here is how to start using your current web site visitors to generate more sales:

- Make sure that your web site visitors are targeted. The more targeted your current web site visitors are, the better results you are going to get by converting more of them into customers.

For example, if you are a relationship coach who helps their clients find a partner, but your web site visitors are happily married, you will not be able to convert many of them into customers. On the other hand, if your web site visitors are singles who are tired of being single, you will get much better results.

- Make your web site copy more effective. Hands down the best way to get more of your web site visitors to buy your products or hire you is by making your web site copy do the selling for you. You are not there when your web site visitors come to your web site, so the only way to convince them to buy is by creating web site copy that convinces them to buy.

It does not take a lot of time to create better sales copy; in just a few weeks you can have sales copy that will get you more customers. I have seen many times how more effective sales copy has helped business owners double or even triple the number of customers and newsletter subscribers that they got from their web site.

- Make it very easy to buy your products or hire you. Even if your customers are interested in what you have to offer, they will not buy if your buying process is not self-explanatory. Simplify your buying process as much as you can by only asking for the information you really need and by making it very easy to follow and pay. Don't give your customers too many options -- they should only be able to buy, leave or subscribe to your newsletter on your sales pages.

Get more sales in the fall! Use the ideas above to improve your web site and get more sales in the fall.

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