Get More Subscribers By Offering A FREE Gift


If very few of your web site visitors subscribe to your newsletter, you are not alone. Many coaches, virtual assistants and other service professionals have told me that it is very hard for them to convert their web site visitors into newsletter subscribers. They have told me that they get enough traffic, and they can see that a majority of that traffic are their target customers, but it is hard to convert this traffic into newsletter subscribers. And if you can't convert your web site traffic into subscribers, you can't keep in touch with them and you can't market to them in the future.

Why does this happen? Why do people come to your web site, but don't subscribe to your newsletter? Think about exactly what happens when your web site visitors arrive on your web site. This may very well be the first time they are hearing about you, your products and your services. These people don't know you yet, and because of that it is hard to convince them to trust you, give you their e-mail address and subscribe to your newsletter.

However, first time web site visitors are exactly the people who you really want to subscribe to your newsletter. These are the people who have never heard about you before, so if you are able to convince them to subscribe to your newsletter, you are going to increase your market reach. They may never visit your web site again, so you will not be able to reach them unless they subscribe to your newsletter immediately. It is extremely important to you to convince them to subscribe, so that you can keep in touch with them.

How To Invite Your Web Site Visitors To Subscribe To Your Newsletter

What can you do to get their attention and convince them to subscribe to your newsletter? Offer them a gift in exchange for their e-mail address! It can't be just any gift, either. You want your web site visitors to really want to receive the gift you are offering. As soon as they see the information about the gift that you are offering, you want them to say: "I want this!!" and subscribe immediately.

So what should your gift be? Your gift should be a solution to a problem that your target customers experience and want solved. What people really want are solutions to their problems. Find out what your target customers' biggest problem is and offer them a gift that helps solve that problem!

Examples Of Free Gifts For Different Online Business Owners

For example, if you are a public relations consultant, and your clients are business owners, your clients' problem is getting press coverage and using the coverage to get clients. In this case you can offer a gift called "How To Get Press Coverage That Helps You Get Clients".

If you are a career coach whose target market are people not happy with their jobs, you can create a gift called "5 Steps To Getting Your Dream Job", helping your target clients finding a solution to their problem.

The best way to convince people to do something you want them to do (subscribe to your newsletter) is by giving them something they really want (a solution to a problem they are experiencing right now). Offer your web site visitors a gift that they really want and watch the number of your newsletter subscribers soar!

The page on which you offer this free gift to your web site visitors is called a squeeze page. Discover how to create effective squeeze pages and get more newsletter subscribers in the FREE Squeeze Page Tutorial.

Learn More About

- FREE Squeeze Page Tutorial

- Turn Your Subscribers Into Clients

- Coaches And Consultants: Get Clients By Publishing A Newsletter

- How To Get Results From Your Newsletter