Do You Turn Away Potential Customers?

When I do web site evaluations for my clients, to find out why their web sites are not selling enough, I usually make two different kinds of recommendations. Some recommendations are for changes to things that are already there - content, navigation, web site structure - to make them more user friendly and improve the conversion rate (visitors to customers).

The other recommendations are for new marketing resources and campaigns. Sometimes I recommend creating specific landing pages for marketing campaigns, adding a new blog, creating a new product, using pay per click search engines and much more. However, what I have been recommending more and more recently is adding a newsletter. When potential customers arrive at your web site, many are not ready to buy. And they are not likely to remember your web site address to come back to it when they finally want to make a purchase. However, if you offer a complimentary newsletter, many potential customers sign up for it. Now you are able to keep in touch with them, and they will remember your name, when they are ready to buy.

Here are some reasons for why you should publish a newsletter:

To market using the one to many principle

One to many principle is simple. You create something once, but you use it to market again and again. This is what happens when you publish a newsletter - you create your content once, but many people get to read it.

You can extend this principle even more, and create articles and blog posts out of your newsletter issues. Or, you can charge for access to your newsletter archives. There are many possibilities to further re-use your newsletter content.

To promote your expertise

When potential customers have just subscribed to your newsletter, they may know your name, but not be very familiar with what you do, how you do it, and what you have already accomplished.

Use the newsletter to share your knowledge and answer some of your clients' questions - and your expertise will shine through!

To stay in touch with potential customers

How many times has someone inquired about your products or services, only to tell you that they will have to contact you in a few months to actually buy? Invite them to subscribe to your newsletter to keep in touch! That way by the time they make the buying decision, they will have heard from you a few times, will be more familiar with your expertise, and will feel good about buying from YOU!

If you are not publishing a newsletter yet, make sure to take a note, and explore the possibilities. Adding a newsletter to your marketing mix will help you streamline your marketing and gain more clients.

More Free Newsletter Publishing Articles

- How To Get Results From Your Newsletter

- Coaches And Consultants: Get Clients By Publishing A Newsletter

- Get More Subscribers By Offering A FREE Gift