Single Effort Produces Many Results

Today's topic is about re-using all of your efforts. You have a finite number of hours in a day, and once you use the hours up, they are gone. How can you use this time effectively, and gain many results - exposure, sales or new products - from these hours?

One of the principles that I teach my students to leverage their effort and to gain as many benefits as possible from an effort expended just once. To make sure that you are leveraging your effort, always ask yourself whether you will be able to re-use the result of this effort, whether it is "a single effort that leads many results".

A good example of the "one to many" concept is writing an e-book. You have to make the effort once (write the e-book), but then you can sell it as many times as you would like. You can create a teleseminar based on the e-book, you can also expand on each chapter of the e-book to create special reports or presentations.

The time you spend on tasks is precious. Even if it is billable time, and you are getting paid by a client for the work you are doing, see if you are gaining something from the efforts, besides the fee. Did you learn a better way to do a challenging task? Did a client’s question spark an idea for a new product? Did you learn something today while doing research for the client?

Over to you - let's take action and see how you can leverage some of the things you are already doing this month:

Find out what people in your target market want to learn about

When talking on the phone or networking with members of your target market, listen carefully to questions they ask and learn more about the problem they are experiencing. Use what you learned to write an article, write a new report, or create a teleclass.

Organize your articles and information products

Organize the articles you have written, the products you have created and the unfinished writings you have done this year. Can articles be expanded into reports? Can an ebook be a basis for a seminar?

Send out a press release

Write and send out a press release. One newspaper write-up or one TV interview will be seen by many potential customers. One press release can put you in front of many potential customers.

Learn leveraging, so that when you create a product, give a presentation or teach a class, you can re-use the material and make money with it.

Learn More About Creating Information Products

- Why Solopreneurs Should Produce Products

- Creating Multiple Streams Of Income

- How To Create Information Products