What Do Your Clients Want? Different Formats!


Back when I just started teaching, I realized that different students learned differently. Some came to every lecture and wrote down every word said by the teacher and used their notes to study later.

Others never took any notes -- instead they just listened intently in class. Yet others never bothered showing up at the lectures and read the textbooks instead. Some articles I have read recently report that now students rely on audio/video recordings of the lectures.

All of this shows that different people learn differently. To appeal to all of them, educational resources need to come in different formats.

I saw this again when I started adding information products to my own practice. When I created my very first special report, I made some money with it, but nowhere near what I have been making with my consulting and web site design services. However, when I added products in different formats, such as e-books, teleseminars and audio, my profits increased dramatically.

Your customers know how they want to learn. Your goal is to provide your customers with options, so that no matter what their learning preferences are, they can use your products to learn. If they can buy your products on the topic that interests them in the format that interests them, they will buy from you. Otherwise, they will go to your competitor.

So, what kind of formats can your products be delivered in? Here are some examples:

- Special Reports And E-books. Both of these are text documents. Special reports are usually shorter documents (about 5-25 pages). E-books tend to run longer. I have seen e-books anywhere from 20 and 400 pages.

- Audio Products are voice recordings of one or more people. There are many options available to you to create audio products. You can create an audio product simply by recording yourself, recording an interview with you, or by recording a class, a lecture, or a workshop.

- Teleclasses And Teleseminars. Teaching classes over the phone is an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise to many people at once and to offer your coaching or consulting sessions at a lower price point.

- Community and Membership Web Sites. Membership web sites, blogs and forums are becoming very popular among solopreneurs and online business owners. Many solopreneurs and business owners are repackaging their knowledge, information and expertise and selling it through membership web sites.

There are more formats available, but these are the ones that are most commonly used. Take a few minutes today to decide which format(s) you can use for your next product.

Learn How To Create Information Products

- Multiple Streams Of Income

- How To Create Information Products

- Turn One Ebook Into Many Products