Online Marketing For Coaches: Search Engine Optimization Tutorial: How To Do Keyword Research

Finding appropriate keywords for optimizing your coaching web site is the most important component of search engine optimization.

A keyword (or a keyword phrase) is a word that users type into the query box of a search engine to find whatever interests them at the moment. Often, web surfers’ ideas about relevant keywords are radically different from what you might expect.

What seems natural and obvious to you, the owner of the coaching web site, may not be to someone who is not as familiar with coaching or coaching services. Finding keywords that people actually use to search for a particular piece of information is the ultimate objective of your keyword research.

Let's look at an example of how to do keyword reseach.

Let's say, someone decided to create a web site dedicated to the promotion of dihydrogen monoxide.

She assumed (quite reasonably, of course) that the new site would instantly generate tremendous traffic, since few people can go without dihydrogen monoxide for long periods of time.

Unfortunately, the new site, entitled “Dihydrogen monoxide: Consume 2 Liters a Day!” wasn’t receiving any visitor traffic whatsoever. This baffled her for quite some time. After six months, she wanted to figure out how to increase traffic to the web site.

FInally, she consulted an SEO expert, who pointed out the problem with the site: no regular person would ever search for dihydrogen monoxide! In addition, research conducted by the Institute of Dubious Statistics shows that 94.7% of American web surfers have no idea how much 2 liters is.

She decided to follow the expert’s recommendations and renamed the site to “Water: eight glasses a day for better health!” and reworked the rest of the site to refer to the wonder substance as water, instead of dihydrogen monoxide (also known as H2O). After some time, she started receiving traffic.

Learn from this example. Since you are an expert in your coaching field, you might be using coaching jargon when you speak and write without realizing it. Your coaching web site copy is not written for you or for a small group of coaches – it should be aimed toward potential coaching clients and search engines. Tailor your writing to the broadest possible audience.

Each page of your web site should have its own keywords. If possible, try to use a set of unique keywords for each page. Don't use more than 5-7 keywords per page; too many keywords dilute the message and decrease the specificity of the page.

Remember to find keywords for every web page on your web site, since each page is considered to be a separate entity by the search engines. If you have 93 different web pages on your web site, you will have keywords for each of those 93 pages.

Read the next part of Search Engine Optimization Tutorial: How To Use Keywords In Title Tag.

Free Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

Part 1: Introduction To Seach Engine Optimization, SEO

Part 2: What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Part 3: How To Optimize A Web Page For Search Engines

Part 4: How To Do Keyword Research

Part 5: How To Use Keywords In Title Tag

Part 6: How To Use Keywords Meta Tag

Part 7: How To Use Description Meta Tag For SEO

Part 8: How To Use Keywords On Your Coaching Web Site

Part 9: How To Optimize Your Coaching Web Site For Search Engines

Part 10: More Search Engine Optimization Strategies