Online Marketing For Coaches: Search Engine Optimization Tutorial: How To Use Keywords On Your Coaching Web Site

Here is another very important thing that you need to do, when you are optimizing your coaching web sites for search engines.

Now that you know how to use keywords in your Title Tag, your Keywords Meta Tag and your Description Meta Tag, the next thing you need to do is to actually use the keywords in the actual text of your web page.

While it is important to find suitable keywords for your coaching web site, create a great title, and write an effective description, an additional step is required to complete the optimization process.

Many coaches neglect this step, and as a result, their web sites do not do well in search engines, even though all of the tags are perfect.

To achieve the best possible search engine ranking for your coaching web site, you need to use all the keywords in the text on the web page. Weave the keywords into the text on each page. Follow these guidelines for best results:

- Don’t use the same keyword many times in a row on a web page. Online search engine spammers use this technique, and search engines have algorithms designed to detect excessive keyword repetition. Instead, vary the text that you put on the web page, and make sure that it is interesting and useful to your potential clients.

- The page should have sufficient supporting text. Search engines evaluate the keyword density (number of keywords divided by the number of words on the page) on each page and reduce the rank of pages if the keyword density is too high. Make sure that you have enough text on the page that doesn't include keywords, so that the keyword density on the web page is not too high.

- The copy should be readable. Both human visitors (your potential coaching clients) and search engine spiders read your web site copy. Do not distort the original meaning of the text by inserting too many keywords in it.

- Retain the normal look, feel and flow of your original web page. The only thing being changed when doing search engine optimization is the text itself.

Congratulations! You have now successfully optimized each web page for search engines. So far we have been focusing on individual pages on your coaching web site. Now let’s consider your entire coaching web site as a whole.

Read next part of the Search Engine Optimization Tutorial: How To Optimize Your Coaching Web Site For Search Engines.

Free Search Engine Optimization Tutorial

Part 1: Introduction To Seach Engine Optimization, SEO

Part 2: What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Part 3: How To Optimize A Web Page For Search Engines

Part 4: How To Do Keyword Research

Part 5: How To Use Keywords In Title Tag

Part 6: How To Use Keywords Meta Tag

Part 7: How To Use Description Meta Tag For SEO

Part 8: How To Use Keywords On Your Coaching Web Site

Part 9: How To Optimize Your Coaching Web Site For Search Engines

Part 10: More Search Engine Optimization Strategies