Promote Your Expertise By Teaching Teleseminars


Have you ever heard the saying, "If you want to learn how to do something really well, teach it to others"? It follows from this saying that people who teach others usually have a good command of the material. In short, they are experts at what they do.

Teaching a class in something you know is also a great way to demonstrate your expertise to your potential clients. Teaching is a very versatile marketing technique and it is very easy to use teaching to promote your expertise both online and offline.

For example, you can teach a class locally or over the phone. You can teach a one time class, a series of classes, or create a long, semester-long course to teach. You can charge for the class or offer a class at no charge to upsell your other products and services at the end of the class. There are many ways to use teaching to promote your expertise. It is up to you to set goals for your teaching efforts.

If you are just starting out using teaching to promote your expertise, here is a plan I recommend for you to follow:

- Decide whether you want to teach your first class locally or teach a global teleseminar over the phone. I recommend teaching a teleseminar, because when you teach over the phone, you can promote your class to a much larger group of customers.

When you teach over the phone, people from all over the world can join in on your calls. When I teach teleseminars, I have participants from many US states and several other countries joining me.

- Decide whether you want to charge for the class or if you want to offer it at no charge. If this is the very first class you have ever taught, teach it at no charge. You will get lots of people attending, and it will be a great training session for you to experience teaching teleseminars over the phone.

Even if you teach a class at no charge, you can still get a lot of benefits out of it. For example, you should use it a no charge bonus to invite people to subscribe to your newsletter. You can also use the last minutes of the teleclass to let the attendees know about your other products and services, and how to buy them.

- Find the topic for your teleseminar and create the materials for it. Finding the right topic for your teleseminar is extremely important. If you find a topic that is of interest to your target customers, you will get lots of teleseminar participants. If you pick a topic that is not of interest to them, very few people will register.

Once you have a topic, create your teleseminar materials. These will include your own teleseminar outline for you to teach from, as well as worksheets for your participants. In addition, you can create any other materials you would like to share with the people who come to your teleseminar.

Once you have your topic and materials, it is time to pick a date and time for your teleseminar and start promoting it.

Teaching teleseminars is a great technique to demonstrate your expertise and become better known to your target market.

More Articles About Teleseminars

- What Do Your Clients Want? Different Formats!

- What To Do If No One Comes To Your Teleseminars?

- How To Teach Profitable Teleseminars