Eating Right Helps You Being More Effective


You are what you eat. I strongly believe that when you eat right, exercise and take time for yourself, you are more effective as a business owner.

So when I heard that my friend and colleague Gillian Hood-Gabrielson is teaching the Am I Hungry? Teleworkshops, in March and April, I thought that these would be perfect for business owners who want to improve their eating habits and become more effective as business owners. In just 8 weeks, you will learn surprisingly easy techniques to help you take charge of your weight for life. Gillian will teach you everything you need to know to become an Intuitive Eater- the kind of person who can eat what she wants and not gain weight.

I asked Gillian how the Teleworkshops can help a business owner specifically, and here is what she says:

“It’s really my belief that dieting, food obsession, body image issues, etc. all contribute to wasted time in an entrepreneur’s day. It’s amazing how much time my clients find when they give up the insanity and turn their focus back to the more important things in life. I also find the self-esteem that comes back when you stop dieting and obsessing about weight contributes greatly to one’s ability to network more effectively and really just put yourself out there. The confidence really helps with promoting your business. ”

Thanks, Gillian!

Learn more about the Teleworkshops at

Biana Babinsky

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