Archive for April, 2008

Become More Confident!

Friday, April 4th, 2008

Are you afraid to market your business because:

– You don’t think anyone will take your seriously?

– You don’t think that potential clients will ever pay your rates, even though your rates are reasonable?

– You are not confident about what you are offering and you think others can do it much better than you?

Continue Reading Become More Confident! Article

Your Clients Want Different Formats

Wednesday, April 2nd, 2008

Back when I just started teaching, I realized that different students learned differently. Some came to every lecture and wrote down every word said by the teacher and used their notes to study later.

Others never took any notes — instead they just listened intently in class. Yet others never bothered showing up at the lectures and read the textbooks instead. Some articles I have read recently report that now students rely on audio/video recordings of the lectures…

Continue Reading Your Clients Want Different Formats

How To Teach Profitable Teleseminars

Tuesday, April 1st, 2008

I have been getting many e-mails from readers lately, asking me how to create and teach profitable teleseminars. The Teleseminars Tutorial shows you the step-by-step process for creating profitable telseminars, but here are three points that should help you create an effective (and very profitable!) teleseminars:

– Find a topic your target market is interested in

– Create an interesting, effective teleclass around this topic

– Promote the teleclass so that you can get participants for it!

My clients have the most trouble with #3, so here is how to promote your teleclass to get more participants:

– Publish a newsletter for your target market and announce your teleclass to them.

– Announce your teleclass on your web site.

– Announce your teleclass to the groups, where your target market participates.

– Use article marketing, search engine optimization and other online marketing techniques to get more newsletter subscribers. Once you have more subscribers, you will have more people to promote your teleclasses to.

Discover how to market your teleclasses in Teleseminars Tutorial.