Conversion Rates In Internet Marketing Explained


When I talk about conversion rates, I get questions about what conversion rates are. Conversion rate is the percentage of web site visitors who take action with you.

For example, if you are talking about how many people who come to your web site actually subscribe to your newsletter, that is a conversion rate. So if you have 100 people come to your web site and 5 of them subscribe to your newsletter, then your conversion rate is 5%.

As you can see, one of the best ways to increase the number of your newsletter subscribers is to increase conversion rate. If you can convince 10 people out of 100 who come to your web site to subscribe to your newsletter, you can double the number of subscribers without increasing your web site traffic!

One of the best ways to increase your conversion rates is by having an effective squeeze page. Your squeeze page is what converts your web site visitors into newsletter subscribers, so if you make your squeeze page more effective, you will get more newsletter subscribers.

Here is an effective FREE Squeeze Page Tutorial for you. Use this tutorial to learn all about how to create effective squeeze pages.

Here is the FREE Squeeze Page Tutorial:

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