How To Do A Teleseminar


Have you ever heard the saying, “If you want to learn how to do something really well, teach it to others”? It follows from this saying that people who teach others usually have a good command of the material. In short, they are experts at what they do.

Teaching a class in something you know is also a great way to demonstrate your expertise to your potential clients. Teaching is a very versatile marketing technique and it is very easy to use teaching to promote your expertise both online and offline.

In addition to all of the above, offering teleseminars is becoming a necessity for service businesses. In today’s economy it is extremely important to be able to offer lower-priced products in addition to services so that you can serve the people who can’t afford to work with you one-on-one.

If you are just starting out using teaching to work with more potential clients and increase
your business revenues in today’s economy, here is the teleseminar how-to plan for you:

Decide Whether You Want To Teach Your First Class Locally Or Teach A Global Teleseminar
Over The Phone

I recommend offering a teleseminar, because when you teach over the phone, you aren’t restricting yourself to a small geographical area. When you teach teleseminars, you can promote them to a much larger group of customers.

When you teach over the phone, people from all over the world can join in on your calls. When I teach my teleseminars, I have participants from many US states and several other countries joining me on the calls.

Decide Whether To Charge For The Teleseminar Or Whether To Offer A Free Teleseminar

If this is the very first teleseminar you have ever taught, offer it free. You will get lots of people attending, and it will be a great training session for you to experience offering teleseminars over the phone.

You will also be using teleseminar equipment such as bridge line and you will also be doing teleseminar recording. You want to iron our all the details and see that you are able to use all the teleseminar equipment without any technical issues before you start to actually charge others for your teleseminars.

Find Topics For Your Teleseminars

Finding the right topic for your teleseminar is extremely important. If you find a topic that is of interest to your target customers, you will get lots of teleseminar participants. If you pick a topic that is not of interest to them, very few (if any) people will register.

Decide When Your Teleseminar Will Take Place And Start Promoting It

Create a marketing plan for promoting your teleseminar. You will see that if you have a plan, you will get better results and get more participants for your calls.

That’s it – now you are ready to do a teleseminar! Teaching teleseminars is a great technique to get more clients and increase your revenues in today’s economy.

5 Responses to “How To Do A Teleseminar”

  1. Pam Murphy Says:

    Found you on Twitter. Thanks for the great info! I am in the process of putting together a teleseminar.

  2. Christine Gallagher Says:

    Great tips Biana.

    I am holding my first free teleclass in the next month or so. I’m very excited and love that doing it over the phone allows you to have a much greater reach.

  3. Biana Babinsky Says:

    Pam, you are very welcome! What’s your teleseminar going to be about?

  4. Biana Babinsky Says:

    Christine, that’s great! Your phone allows you to reach a ton of people these days! What’s your teleseminar going to be about?

    Biana Babinsky

  5. Christine Gallagher Says:

    Hi Biana…it’s going to be definitely social media. Whether I focus on certain tools or not I am not sure yet. It will either be about Facebook or Twitter or both or a general overview of using social media for small business.

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