How To Invite People To Your List In A Non-Salesy Way


On my Facebook Fan Page I recently answered a question that I have received from many heart-based service professionals. Here is the question:

“How can a heart based service professional invite people to their list in a non-salesy way?”

I shared a short answer on the Fan Page, but I wanted to share a longer one here on the blog. Let’s say you are a life coach, providing life coaching services to women in their 30s-50s. They are unhappy with their current careers, and they are looking for something better. You want to help them first, define what this “something better” is, and then find it.

You are looking to invite many of these women to join your list, so that you can share tips and ideas with them, and they can get to know you, like you and trust you. And as you are sharing your tips with them, you will also be letting them know about your life coaching products and services. If they feel that they need your help, they will be able to take the next step with you and check out your offerings.

So the question is: “How do you invite them to join your list?”, because until they join you, they cannot start learning from you and building a relationship with you.

The best way to do that is to not just invite them to join you, but to offer them a gift. Your gift should be a report, an e-book, an audio recording, or an e-course on a topic that your target market is really interested in. You want them to say: “I want this!” and register to get your free gift.

For example, a great free gift for women in their 30s-50s looking for a new career would be a report on “Five Steps To Uncovering Your New Career”. Since they are looking for what it out there for them, giving them a report that helps them uncover this new career will help you build a list of people in your target market in a non-salesy way.

Learn much more about building your list in a non-salesy way in the Build Your List Home Study Guide.

One Response to “How To Invite People To Your List In A Non-Salesy Way”

  1. Lorene Troyer Says:

    I appreciate the simplicity of this article. We will have a far greater chance of success if we have the attitude that our purpose is to help people and give them what they want rather than trying to convince them to buy from us-Thanks for a great article!

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